Woof Camp CortemiliaWoof Camp CortemiliaWoof Camp CortemiliaWoof Camp CortemiliaWoof Camp CortemiliaWoof Camp CortemiliaWoof Camp Cortemilia

Woof Camp Cortemilia

To all Puppies.

Francisco, a friend of mine and an experienced handler, is organizing a very interesting weekend on 7 and 8 July.

“Woof Camp Cortemilia” will be a two days event dedicated to Puppy Play and The Italian Puppy wants to provide its support!

The location is amazing and the program too.

We’ll be hosted in a small castle on Cortemilia’s hills.

It is an extraordinary hotel with wonderful rooms, many outdoor spaces, and an outdoor pool that we’ll use exclusively for a pool-side party on Saturday afternoon.

The hospitality will include soft and hard drinks, in addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner included in the price (145euros per person).

Especially for this event, a cellar of the castle will be converted in a PLAY-ROOM dedicated to the Puppy CAMP participants and to external guests on Sunday.

So, there’s a lot to have fun in a wonderful location (have a look the the pictures!)

However we have to hurry up and confirm our reservations as soon as possible, because the date is near and the venue has to be timely fully reserved.


The approximate deadline to provide reservations is by the end of this week.

I will be there, and you?

A weekend completely dedicated to puppy play in an hotel immersed in the nature, entirely available to puppies.
The hotel offers comfortable accommodations, swimming pool, outdoor spaces (ideal for puppies walks) and, especially for this event, the Some Masters Some Slaves Production company will convert a cellar in a play-room equipped with sling, st andrew cross, cages, and bondage equipment, available to the camp participants for the whole stay.

There will be activities within the hotel and in other venues that sponsor the event.

The price will be of 145 euros per person, all inclusive.

A weekend to release your doggish ego, in complete freedom. WooF!


– Check-in at the hotel (in the morning)
– Piedmont outdoor lunch
– Puppies in the water (pool-side afternoon) and activities.
– Optional: parade at the Alba Pride.
– Pool-side drink
– Gala Dinner in the hall
– After dinner “Puppies invade the village” – Presentation of a cocktail specifically created for the event at “Top” bar.


– Breakfast
– Dog agility competition (open to the public)


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Pup Zaush

Pup Zaush

Here's my official page of Mister Puppy Italy on 2017!! Follow me in my adventures!




Da parte di tutti i cuccioli italiani un grande grazie per aiutarci a costruire la nostra cuccia digitale.

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