Mr. Puppy France

 Here I came back from the Paris trip to write about what happened.
I’m still very excited about the event I’ve been to and I have to admit I was very surprised by the amount of puppies present and the spirit and union that was between us.
I met the other European Mister Puppys, although knowing that we will certainly be rivals for the next European title was born a spontaneous complicity.
Unfortunately I was not able to participate much in the week fetish parisian either due to the work commitments in Italy and because of the tiredness of the trip we faced (we left at 3pm at night from Italy and we are and we set foot at 12:00 in Hotel) so alas I could not enjoy all the appointments, also the establishment of the new president has put the city to soqquadro is armored whole neighborhoods not allowing me to arrive to the aperitif of closure on Sunday to be able to greet all this me I’m so sorry, but I do not want to talk about regrets, but about the fantastic Saturday day that opened in LA MINE with the election of the first MR. PUPPY FRANCE that kept me and the participants all afternoon amidst fun-filled photos, group shots and jokes.
It was very nice to know too many puppies, friends only on the Social, and see that they were really happy to see all the puppies who are working to be the spokespersons of their respective national communities, I must admit that we MR. We really received a treat from genuine VIP (Very Important Puppy), a felt and personal thanks to the organization GAY DOG TRAINING. The most beautiful reminder that I brought home was to see more than 35 puppies packed in front of the room, in addition to the street in front of which it was literally invase by all friends masked, fantastic the involuntary comic scenes between people (the club is a crossroads of a very busy and commercial street in the center of Paris) I saw many ladies and passersby taking pictures and curious I also saw children and little girls who without any fear move in our direction eager to give scratches on the mask of the puppies participating in the street.
Returning to the prize, I must admit that it was quite exciting, but it was even more wonderful to see the emotion of the participants in answering to the presenter on the small stage of the smelly bar, you could see from their eyes that there was a special atmosphere almost magical.
The day ended with the BRUTAL PARTY, featuring all the fetish categories of the week’s fetish week in which the event Mr. Puppy France came in and where each of the participating puppies gave vent to their creativity in displaying elaborate and custom masks to make them more personal and original.

I want to close by saying that the thing that is charging me in attending the upcoming events has been reading on facebook a few days commenting on a puppy, in other words said that being present at this rally excited him because he could all know The characters who followed just online and who felt a pre-eminence for having met us Mr. Europei, so if before the idea of ​​attending the rallies could only have a personal motivation to know other puppies, party and have fun from now on will be Also a commitment I want to take to gratify and above all to say thanks to all the followers (puppies and not) because in some way and also thanks and for them who are here.


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Pup Zaush

Pup Zaush

Here's my official page of Mister Puppy Italy on 2017!! Follow me in my adventures!




Da parte di tutti i cuccioli italiani un grande grazie per aiutarci a costruire la nostra cuccia digitale.

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