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Mr Puppy Europe 2018Mr Puppy Europe 2018Mr Puppy Europe 2018Mr Puppy Europe 2018Mr Puppy Europe 2018Mr Puppy Europe 2018Mr Puppy Europe 2018Mr Puppy Europe 2018Mr Puppy Europe 2018Mr Puppy Europe 2018Mr Puppy Europe 2018Mr Puppy Europe 2018Mr Puppy Europe 2018Mr Puppy Europe 2018Mr Puppy Europe 2018Mr Puppy Europe 2018Mr Puppy Europe 2018Mr Puppy Europe 2018Mr Puppy Europe 2018Mr Puppy Europe 2018Mr Puppy Europe 2018Mr Puppy Europe 2018Mr Puppy Europe 2018

Mr Puppy Europe 2018

Sono passate sol 24 ore da quando ho rimesso piede in Italia e gia un pò l'atmosfera di DARKLAND mi manca un pò. Per mè era la prima volta e devo dire che mi ha fatto una strana sensazione, l'evento si svolge al chiuso a differenza del FOLSOM e forse questo crea la magia di una notte perenne, un bolla al di fuori dal tempo dove tra esposizioni, concorsi, DJ set e performace tutto ma propio tutto è concesso. La mia esperienza come partecipante a Mr Puppy Europa è stata fantastica ho avuto

Alcool, Party e il Grande nord.Alcool, Party e il Grande nord.Alcool, Party e il Grande nord.Alcool, Party e il Grande nord.Alcool, Party e il Grande nord.Alcool, Party e il Grande nord.Alcool, Party e il Grande nord.Alcool, Party e il Grande nord.Alcool, Party e il Grande nord.Alcool, Party e il Grande nord.Alcool, Party e il Grande nord.

Alcool, Party e il Grande nord.

Si lo so sono stato un poco assente .... Chiedo scusa ma sono stato impegnato a lavorare ad alcuni eventi per la comunità puppy italiana ... Per lo più per Milano perché sono convinto che bisogna pensare globalmente ma agire localmente. Ci siamo prodigati per realizzare un evento mensile fuori dai canali fetish dei club o cruising facendo un piccolo evento in collaborazione con "leccomilano" un cocktail bar nella gay street milanese. È stato molto bello vedere letherman e puppy

Madrid World Pride Gallery (1/4)

I've done a lot of photos on this trip, but most of all, so many people have shot a lot of photos of me, here's a gallery trying to tell the emotions of this wonderful week. I want to thank all those who made and published these photos, I hope they are happy to see their shots here too. Thanks anyway to everyone and above all: Mr. Fetish (Leather) Spain 2017 - Janos aka Janos Leather Mr. BMrL 2016/Board of MLC - Werner Mr. Leather Austria 2017 - Thomas Mr. Bear Netherlands 2017

Madrid World Pride Gallery (2/4)

I've done a lot of photos on this trip, but most of all, so many people have shot a lot of photos of me, here's a gallery trying to tell the emotions of this wonderful week. I want to thank all those who made and published these photos, I hope they are happy to see their shots here too. Thanks anyway to everyone and above all: Mr. Fetish (Leather) Spain 2017 - Janos aka Janos Leather Mr. BMrL 2016/Board of MLC - Werner Mr. Leather Austria 2017 - Thomas Mr. Bear Netherlands 2017

Madrid World Pride Gallery (3/4)

I've done a lot of photos on this trip, but most of all, so many people have shot a lot of photos of me, here's a gallery trying to tell the emotions of this wonderful week. I want to thank all those who made and published these photos, I hope they are happy to see their shots here too. Thanks anyway to everyone and above all: Mr. Fetish (Leather) Spain 2017 - Janos aka Janos Leather Mr. BMrL 2016/Board of MLC - Werner Mr. Leather Austria 2017 - Thomas Mr. Bear Netherlands 2017

Madrid World Pride Gallery (4/4)

I've done a lot of photos on this trip, but most of all, so many people have shot a lot of photos of me, here's a gallery trying to tell the emotions of this wonderful week. I want to thank all those who made and published these photos, I hope they are happy to see their shots here too. Thanks anyway to everyone and above all: Mr. Fetish (Leather) Spain 2017 - Janos aka Janos Leather Mr. BMrL 2016/Board of MLC - Werner Mr. Leather Austria 2017 - Thomas Mr. Bear Netherlands 2017

Il mio World Pride 2017, a 4 zampe ovviamente !

E’ stato un weekend sfiancante, dal punto di vista fisico e mentale, ma maledettamente, maledettamente appagante. Madrid si è letteralmente fermata per il World Pride,  circa 4 milioni di persone hanno orbitato nella capitale in una sola settimana. Una città multicolore, con bandiere Rainbow ovunque, feste e concerti in piazza.  Tutto inneggiava alla tolleranza! Anche i semafori sono stati personalizzati per l'occasione. E' stata un cosa che difficilmente dimenticherò, dato che ho

Mr. Puppy France

 Here I came back from the Paris trip to write about what happened. [video width="800" height="448" mp4=""][/video] I'm still very excited about the event I've been to and I have to admit I was very surprised by the amount of puppies present and the spirit and union that was between us. I met the other European Mister Puppys, although knowing that we will certainly be rivals for the

The Call of the WildThe Call of the WildThe Call of the WildThe Call of the WildThe Call of the WildThe Call of the WildThe Call of the WildThe Call of the Wild

The Call of the Wild

[pi_wiloke_quote quote="There is an ecstasy that marks the summit of life, and beyond which life cannot rise. And such is the paradox of living, this ecstasy comes when one is most alive, and it comes as a complete forgetfulness that one is alive. This ecstasy, this forgetfulness of living, comes to the artist, caught up and out of himself in a sheet of flame; it comes to the soldier, war-mad in a stricken field and refusing quarter; and it came to Buck, leading the pack, sounding the old

About me

Pup Zaush

Pup Zaush

Here's my official page of Mister Puppy Italy on 2017!! Follow me in my adventures!




Da parte di tutti i cuccioli italiani un grande grazie per aiutarci a costruire la nostra cuccia digitale.

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